API Reference


API for fast data ingestion into QuestDB.

class questdb.ingress.Buffer

Bases: object

Construct QuestDB-flavored InfluxDB Line Protocol (ILP) messages.

The Buffer.row() method is used to add a row to the buffer.

You can call this many times.

from questdb.ingress import Buffer

buf = Buffer()
    symbols={'s1', 'v1', 's2', 'v2'},
    columns={'c1': True, 'c2': 0.5})

    symbols={'questdb': '❤️'},
    columns={'like': 100000})

# Append any additional rows then, once ready, call
sender.flush(buffer)  # a `Sender` instance.

# The sender auto-cleared the buffer, ready for reuse.

    symbols={'s1', 'v1', 's2', 'v2'},
    columns={'c1': True, 'c2': 0.5})

# etc.
Buffer Constructor Arguments:
  • init_capacity (int): Initial capacity of the buffer in bytes. Defaults to 65536 (64KiB).

  • max_name_len (int): Maximum length of a column name. Defaults to 127 which is the same default value as QuestDB. This should match the cairo.max.file.name.length setting of the QuestDB instance you’re connecting to.

# These two buffer constructions are equivalent.
buf1 = Buffer()
buf2 = Buffer(init_capacity=65536, max_name_len=127)

To avoid having to manually set these arguments every time, you can call the sender’s new_buffer() method instead.

from questdb.ingress import Sender, Buffer

sender = Sender(host='localhost', port=9009,
    init_capacity=16384, max_name_len=64)
buf = sender.new_buffer()
assert buf.init_capacity == 16384
assert buf.max_name_len == 64

Return the constructed buffer as a string. Use for debugging.

capacity() int

The current buffer capacity.


Reset the buffer.

Note that flushing a buffer will (unless otherwise specified) also automatically clear it.

This method is designed to be called only in conjunction with sender.flush(buffer, clear=False).

dataframe(df, *, table_name: Optional[str], table_name_col: Union[None, int, str], symbols: Union[str, bool, List[int], List[str]], at: Union[None, int, str, TimestampNanos, datetime])

Add a pandas DataFrame to the buffer.

Also see the Sender.dataframe() method if you’re not using the buffer explicitly. It supports the same parameters and also supports auto-flushing.

This feature requires the pandas, numpy and pyarrow package to be installed.

  • df (pandas.DataFrame) – The pandas DataFrame to serialize to the buffer.

  • table_name (str or None) –

    The name of the table to which the rows belong.

    If None, the table name is taken from the table_name_col parameter. If both table_name and table_name_col are None, the table name is taken from the DataFrame’s index name (df.index.name attribute).

  • table_name_col (str or int or None) –

    The name or index of the column in the DataFrame that contains the table name.

    If None, the table name is taken from the table_name parameter. If both table_name and table_name_col are None, the table name is taken from the DataFrame’s index name (df.index.name attribute).

    If table_name_col is an integer, it is interpreted as the index of the column starting from 0. The index of the column can be negative, in which case it is interpreted as an offset from the end of the DataFrame. E.g. -1 is the last column.

  • symbols (str or bool or list of str or list of int) –

    The columns to be serialized as symbols.

    If 'auto' (default), all columns of dtype 'categorical' are serialized as symbols. If True, all str columns are serialized as symbols. If False, no columns are serialized as symbols.

    The list of symbols can also be specified explicitly as a list of column names (str) or indices (int). Integer indices start at 0 and can be negative, offset from the end of the DataFrame. E.g. -1 is the last column.

    Only columns containing strings can be serialized as symbols.

  • at (TimestampNanos, datetime.datetime, int or str or None) –

    The designated timestamp of the rows.

    You can specify a single value for all rows or column name or index. If None, timestamp is assigned by the server for all rows. To pass in a timestamp explicity as an integer use the TimestampNanos wrapper type. To get the current timestamp, use TimestampNanos.now(). When passing a datetime.datetime object, the timestamp is converted to nanoseconds. A datetime object is assumed to be in the local timezone unless one is specified explicitly (so call datetime.datetime.now(tz=datetime.timezone.utc) instead of datetime.datetime.utcnow() for the current timestamp to avoid bugs).

    To specify a different timestamp for each row, pass in a column name (str) or index (int, 0-based index, negative index supported): In this case, the column needs to be of dtype datetime64[ns] (assumed to be in the UTC timezone and not local, due to differences in Pandas and Python datetime handling) or datetime64[ns, tz]. When a timezone is specified in the column, it is converted to UTC automatically.

    A timestamp column can also contain None values. The server will assign the current timestamp to those rows.

    Note: All timestamps are always converted to nanoseconds and in the UTC timezone. Timezone information is dropped before sending and QuestDB will not store any timezone information.

Note: It is an error to specify both table_name and table_name_col.

Note: The “index” column of the DataFrame is never serialized, even if it is named.


import pandas as pd
import questdb.ingress as qi

buf = qi.Buffer()
# ...

df = pd.DataFrame({
    'location': ['London', 'Managua', 'London'],
    'temperature': [24.5, 35.0, 25.5],
    'humidity': [0.5, 0.6, 0.45],
    'ts': pd.date_range('2021-07-01', periods=3)})
    df, table_name='weather', at='ts', symbols=['location'])

# ...

Pandas to ILP datatype mappings

Pandas Mappings

Pandas dtype


ILP Datatype





N α


'object' (bool objects)

N α


















































'object' (int objects)



'float32' γ

Y (NaN)



Y (NaN)


'object' (float objects)

Y (NaN)


'string' (str objects)


STRING (default), SYMBOL via symbols arg. δ



STRING (default), SYMBOL via symbols arg. δ

'category' (str objects) ε


SYMBOL (default), STRING via symbols arg. δ

'object' (str objects)


STRING (default), SYMBOL via symbols arg. δ




'datetime64[ns, tz]'




  • α: Note some pandas dtypes allow nulls (e.g. 'boolean'), where the QuestDB database does not.

  • β: The valid range for integer values is -2^63 to 2^63-1. Any 'uint64', 'UInt64' or python int object values outside this range will raise an error during serialization.

  • γ: Upcast to 64-bit float during serialization.

  • δ: Columns containing strings can also be used to specify the table name. See table_name_col.

  • ε: We only support categories containing strings. If the category contains non-string values, an error will be raised.

  • ζ: The ‘.dataframe()’ method only supports datetimes with nanosecond precision. The designated timestamp column (see at parameter) maintains the nanosecond precision, whilst values stored as columns have their precision truncated to microseconds. All dates are sent as UTC and any additional timezone information is dropped. If no timezone is specified, we follow the pandas convention of assuming the timezone is UTC. Datetimes before 1970-01-01 00:00:00 UTC are not supported. If a datetime value is specified as None (NaT), it is interpreted as the current QuestDB server time set on receipt of message.

Error Handling and Recovery

In case an exception is raised during dataframe serialization, the buffer is left in its previous state. The buffer remains in a valid state and can be used for further calls even after an error.

For clarification, as an example, if an invalid None value appears at the 3rd row for a bool column, neither the 3rd nor the preceding rows are added to the buffer.

Note: This differs from the Sender.dataframe() method, which modifies this guarantee due to its auto_flush logic.

Performance Considerations

The Python GIL is released during serialization if it is not needed. If any column requires the GIL, the entire serialization is done whilst holding the GIL.

Column types that require the GIL are:

  • Columns of str, float or int or float Python objects.

  • The 'string[python]' dtype.


The initial capacity of the buffer when first created.

This may grow over time, see capacity().


Maximum length of a table or column name.

reserve(additional: int)

Ensure the buffer has at least additional bytes of future capacity.


additional (int) – Additional bytes to reserve.

row(table_name: unicode, *, symbols: Optional[Dict[str, Optional[str]]], columns: Optional[Dict[str, Union[None, bool, int, float, str, TimestampMicros, datetime]]], at: Union[None, TimestampNanos, datetime])

Add a single row (line) to the buffer.

# All fields specified.
    symbols={'sym1': 'abc', 'sym2': 'def', 'sym3': None},
        'col1': True,
        'col2': 123,
        'col3': 3.14,
        'col4': 'xyz',
        'col5': TimestampMicros(123456789),
        'col6': datetime(2019, 1, 1, 12, 0, 0),
        'col7': None},

# Only symbols specified. Designated timestamp assigned by the db.
    symbols={'sym1': 'abc', 'sym2': 'def'})

# Float columns and timestamp specified as `datetime.datetime`.
# Pay special attention to the timezone, which if unspecified is
# assumed to be the local timezone (and not UTC).
    'sensor data',
        'temperature': 24.5,
        'humidity': 0.5},

Python strings passed as values to symbols are going to be encoded as the SYMBOL type in QuestDB, whilst Python strings passed as values to columns are going to be encoded as the STRING type.

Refer to the QuestDB documentation to understand the difference between the SYMBOL and STRING types (TL;DR: symbols are interned strings).

Column values can be specified with Python types directly and map as so:

Python type

Serialized as ILP type









datetime.datetime and TimestampMicros



Column is skipped and not serialized.

If the destination table was already created, then the columns types will be cast to the types of the existing columns whenever possible (Refer to the QuestDB documentation pages linked above).

  • table_name – The name of the table to which the row belongs.

  • symbols – A dictionary of symbol column names to str values. As a convenience, you can also pass a None value which will have the same effect as skipping the key: If the column already existed, it will be recorded as NULL, otherwise it will not be created.

  • columns – A dictionary of column names to bool, int, float, str, TimestampMicros or datetime values. As a convenience, you can also pass a None value which will have the same effect as skipping the key: If the column already existed, it will be recorded as NULL, otherwise it will not be created.

  • at – The timestamp of the row. If None, timestamp is assigned by the server. If datetime, the timestamp is converted to nanoseconds. A nanosecond unix epoch timestamp can be passed explicitly as a TimestampNanos object.

exception questdb.ingress.IngressError(code, msg)

Bases: Exception

An error whilst using the Sender or constructing its Buffer.

__init__(code, msg)
property code: IngressErrorCode

Return the error code.

class questdb.ingress.IngressErrorCode(value)

Bases: Enum

Category of Error.

AuthError = 6
BadDataFrame = 8
CouldNotResolveAddr = 0
InvalidApiCall = 1
InvalidName = 4
InvalidTimestamp = 5
InvalidUtf8 = 3
SocketError = 2
TlsError = 7
class questdb.ingress.Sender

Bases: object

A sender is a client that inserts rows into QuestDB via the ILP protocol.

Inserting two rows

In this example, data will be flushed and sent at the end of the with block.

with Sender('localhost', 9009) as sender:
        symbols={'id': 'toronto1'},
        columns={'temperature': 23.5, 'humidity': 0.49})
        symbols={'id': 'dubai2'},
        columns={'temperature': 41.2, 'humidity': 0.34})

The Sender object holds an internal buffer. The call to .row() simply forwards all arguments to the Buffer.row() method.

Explicit flushing

An explicit call to Sender.flush() will send any pending data immediately.

with Sender('localhost', 9009) as sender:
        symbols={'id': 'toronto1'},
        columns={'temperature': 23.5, 'humidity': 0.49})
        symbols={'id': 'dubai2'},
        columns={'temperature': 41.2, 'humidity': 0.34})

Auto-flushing (on by default, watermark at 63KiB)

To avoid accumulating very large buffers, the sender will flush the buffer automatically once its buffer reaches a certain byte-size watermark.

You can control this behavior by setting the auto_flush argument.

# Never flushes automatically.
sender = Sender('localhost', 9009, auto_flush=False)
sender = Sender('localhost', 9009, auto_flush=None) # Ditto.
sender = Sender('localhost', 9009, auto_flush=0)  # Ditto.

# Flushes automatically when the buffer reaches 1KiB.
sender = Sender('localhost', 9009, auto_flush=1024)

# Flushes automatically after every row.
sender = Sender('localhost', 9009, auto_flush=True)
sender = Sender('localhost', 9009, auto_flush=1)  # Ditto.

Authentication and TLS Encryption

This implementation supports authentication and TLS full-connection encryption.

The Sender(.., auth=..) argument is a tuple of (kid, d, x, y) as documented on the QuestDB ILP authentication documentation. Authentication is optional and disabled by default.

The Sender(.., tls=..) argument is one of:

  • False: No TLS encryption (default).

  • True: TLS encryption, accepting all common certificates as recognized by the webpki-roots Rust crate which in turn relies on https://mkcert.org/.

  • A str or pathlib.Path: Path to a PEM-encoded certificate authority file. This is useful for testing with self-signed certificates.

  • A special 'insecure_skip_verify' string: Dangerously disable all TLS certificate verification (do NOT use in production environments).

Positional constructor arguments for the Sender(..)

  • host: Hostname or IP address of the QuestDB server.

  • port: Port number of the QuestDB server.

Keyword-only constructor arguments for the Sender(..)

  • interface (str): Network interface to bind to. Set this if you have an accelerated network interface (e.g. Solarflare) and want to use it.

  • auth (tuple): Authentication tuple or None (default). See above for details.

  • tls (bool, pathlib.Path or str): TLS configuration or False (default). See above for details.

  • read_timeout (int): How long to wait for messages from the QuestDB server during the TLS handshake or authentication process. This field is expressed in milliseconds. The default is 15 seconds.

  • init_capacity (int): Initial buffer capacity of the internal buffer. Default: 65536 (64KiB). See Buffer’s constructor for more details.

  • max_name_length (int): Maximum length of a table or column name. See Buffer’s constructor for more details.

  • auto_flush (bool or int): Whether to automatically flush the buffer when it reaches a certain byte-size watermark. Default: 64512 (63KiB). See above for details.

__enter__() Sender

Call Sender.connect() at the start of a with block.

__exit__(exc_type, _exc_val, _exc_tb)

Flush pending and disconnect at the end of a with block.

If the with block raises an exception, any pending data will NOT be flushed.

This is implemented by calling Sender.close().


Inspect the contents of the internal buffer.

The str value returned represents the unsent data.

Also see Sender.__len__().



This method is idempotent and can be called repeatedly.

Once a sender is closed, it can’t be re-used.


flush (bool) – If True, flush the internal buffer before closing.


Connect to the QuestDB server.

This method is synchronous and will block until the connection is established.

If the connection is set up with authentication and/or TLS, this method will return only after the handshake(s) is/are complete.

dataframe(df, *, table_name: Optional[str], table_name_col: Union[None, int, str], symbols: Union[str, bool, List[int], List[str]], at: Union[None, int, str, TimestampNanos, datetime])

Write a Pandas DataFrame to the internal buffer.


import pandas as pd
import questdb.ingress as qi

df = pd.DataFrame({
    'car': pd.Categorical(['Nic 42', 'Eddi', 'Nic 42', 'Eddi']),
    'position': [1, 2, 1, 2],
    'speed': [89.3, 98.2, 3, 4],
    'lat_gforce': [0.1, -0.2, -0.6, 0.4],
    'accelleration': [0.1, -0.2, 0.6, 4.4],
    'tyre_pressure': [2.6, 2.5, 2.6, 2.5],
    'ts': [
        pd.Timestamp('2022-08-09 13:56:00'),
        pd.Timestamp('2022-08-09 13:56:01'),
        pd.Timestamp('2022-08-09 13:56:02'),
        pd.Timestamp('2022-08-09 13:56:03')]})

with qi.Sender('localhost', 9000) as sender:
    sender.dataframe(df, table_name='race_metrics', at='ts')

This method builds on top of the Buffer.dataframe() method. See its documentation for details on arguments.

Additionally, this method also supports auto-flushing the buffer as specified in the Sender’s auto_flush constructor argument. Auto-flushing is implemented incrementally, meanting that when calling sender.dataframe(df) with a large df, the sender may have sent some of the rows to the server already whist the rest of the rows are going to be sent at the next auto-flush or next explicit call to Sender.flush().

In case of data errors with auto-flushing enabled, some of the rows may have been transmitted to the server already.

flush(buffer, clear)

If called with no arguments, immediately flushes the internal buffer.

Alternatively you can flush a buffer that was constructed explicitly by passing buffer.

The buffer will be cleared by default, unless clear is set to False.

This method does nothing if the provided or internal buffer is empty.

  • buffer – The buffer to flush. If None, the internal buffer is flushed.

  • clear – If True, the flushed buffer is cleared (default). If False, the flushed buffer is left in the internal buffer. Note that clear=False is only supported if buffer is also specified.

The Python GIL is released during the network IO operation.


The initial capacity of the sender’s internal buffer.


Maximum length of a table or column name.


Make a new configured buffer.

The buffer is set up with the configured init_capacity and max_name_len.

row(table_name: unicode, *, symbols: Optional[Dict[str, str]], columns: Optional[Dict[str, Union[bool, int, float, str, TimestampMicros, datetime]]], at: Union[None, TimestampNanos, datetime])

Write a row to the internal buffer.

This may be sent automatically depending on the auto_flush setting in the constructor.

Refer to the Buffer.row() documentation for details on arguments.

class questdb.ingress.TimestampMicros

Bases: object

A timestamp in microseconds since the UNIX epoch (UTC).

You may construct a TimestampMicros from an integer or a datetime.datetime, or simply call the TimestampMicros.now() method.

# Recommended way to get the current timestamp.

# The above is equivalent to:
TimestampMicros(time.time_ns() // 1000)

# You can provide a numeric timestamp too. It can't be negative.

TimestampMicros can also be constructed from a datetime.datetime object.


We recommend that when using datetime objects, you explicitly pass in the timezone to use. This is because datetime objects without an associated timezone are assumed to be in the local timezone and it is easy to make mistakes (e.g. passing datetime.datetime.utcnow() is a likely bug).

classmethod from_datetime(dt: datetime)

Construct a TimestampMicros from a datetime.datetime object.

classmethod now()

Construct a TimestampMicros from the current time as UTC.


Number of microseconds (Unix epoch timestamp, UTC).

class questdb.ingress.TimestampNanos

Bases: object

A timestamp in nanoseconds since the UNIX epoch (UTC).

You may construct a TimestampNanos from an integer or a datetime.datetime, or simply call the TimestampNanos.now() method.

# Recommended way to get the current timestamp.

# The above is equivalent to:

# You can provide a numeric timestamp too. It can't be negative.

TimestampNanos can also be constructed from a datetime object.


We recommend that when using datetime objects, you explicitly pass in the timezone to use. This is because datetime objects without an associated timezone are assumed to be in the local timezone and it is easy to make mistakes (e.g. passing datetime.datetime.utcnow() is a likely bug).

classmethod from_datetime(dt: datetime)

Construct a TimestampNanos from a datetime.datetime object.

classmethod now()

Construct a TimestampNanos from the current time as UTC.


Number of nanoseconds (Unix epoch timestamp, UTC).