
Common issues

You may be experiencing one of the issues below.

Production-optimized QuestDB configuration

If you can’t initially see your data through a select SQL query straight away, this is normal: by default the database will only commit data it receives though the line protocol periodically to maximize throughput.

For dev/testing you may want to tune the following database configuration parameters as so:

# server.conf

The default QuestDB configuration is more applicable for a production environment.

For these and more configuration parameters refer to database configuration documentation.

Infrequent Flushing

You may not see data appear in a timely manner because you’re not calling questdb.ingress.Sender.flush() often enough.

The questdb.ingress.Sender class only provides auto-flushing based on a buffer size and not on a timer.

Errors during flushing

Server disconnects

A failure in questdb.ingress.Sender.flush() generally indicates that the network connection was dropped.

The ILP protocol does not send errors back to the client. Instead, by design, it will disconnect a client if it encounters any insertion errors. This is to avoid errors going unnoticed.

As an example, if a client were to insert a STRING value into a BOOLEAN column, the QuestDB server would disconnect the client.

To determine the root cause of a disconnect, inspect the server logs.

Logging outgoing messages

To understand what data was sent to the server, you may log outgoing messages from Python.

Here’s an example if you append rows to the Sender object:

import textwrap

with Sender(...) as sender:
    # sender.row(...)
    # sender.row(...)
    # ...
    pending = str(sender)'About to flush:\n%s', textwrap.indent(pending, '    '))

Alternatively, if you’re constructing buffers explicitly:

import textwrap

buffer = sender.new_buffer()
# buffer.row(...)
# buffer.row(...)
# ...
pending = str(buffer)'About to flush:\n%s', textwrap.indent(pending, '    '))

Note that to handle out-of-order messages efficiently, the QuestDB server will delay appling changes it receives over ILP after a configurable commit lag.

Due to this commit lag, the line that caused the error may not be the last line.

Asking for help

The best way to get help is through Slack.